Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Latest Beta

Thursday, July 9th, 2009

The latest version of Pill Puzzle can be found here.  If you have not copied the provisioning profile to iTunes you can find it here.  I have added more screens to play.  Things are going slowly as I am on vacation away from my laptops.

Same instructions as before.

Unzip both files and then drag and drop the contents onto iTunes.  You need to install both files into iTunes otherwise the app will not run.

You cannot send anyone else these links as it will not work for them.  I have to compile the application with your UDID.

Do your normal sync process and the application should appear on your iPhone.

Please email me if you have problems installing the application and of course I would love to hear back from you as to how the program was.

Need a new bank

Wednesday, June 24th, 2009

I have not been charging for my iPhone applications so I have not had a need to setup my banking information until today that is.  It looked pretty straight forward and I thought it would just be a matter of getting the right numbers.  Well was I wrong.  As some of the sales on iTunes comes from overseas Apple wants a SWIFT code for your bank.  It turns out that my local Credit Union does not have a SWIFT code.  I have transferred money overseas before and have always used a SWIFT code so I did not believe the first customer service agent who insisted that she was correct.  A followup email at the local branch confirmed what the customer service agent had said, no SWIFT code.

I emailed Apple to find out if this was a required field and received a very prompt reply.  The answer was yes the SWIFT code is required along with a short list of banks that they suggested I could use to open up a new account.

Tomorrow will be bank hunting day.

Wednesday, June 17th, 2009

I have just completed the beta testing page.  I need beta testers,  the best beta testers are ones that give feedback that goes beyond.  “Great App” or “I like it”.   You can find it here.