Need a new bank

I have not been charging for my iPhone applications so I have not had a need to setup my banking information until today that is.  It looked pretty straight forward and I thought it would just be a matter of getting the right numbers.  Well was I wrong.  As some of the sales on iTunes comes from overseas Apple wants a SWIFT code for your bank.  It turns out that my local Credit Union does not have a SWIFT code.  I have transferred money overseas before and have always used a SWIFT code so I did not believe the first customer service agent who insisted that she was correct.  A followup email at the local branch confirmed what the customer service agent had said, no SWIFT code.

I emailed Apple to find out if this was a required field and received a very prompt reply.  The answer was yes the SWIFT code is required along with a short list of banks that they suggested I could use to open up a new account.

Tomorrow will be bank hunting day.


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