Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Math Explosion has been updated

Friday, September 25th, 2009

It took more than 12 hours after I had finished the Math Explosion update to upload it to Apple for review.  Itunesconnect has always been slow for me, but it was timing out and simply hanging there.  I tried again the next morning and was still having the same issues with zero response when I tried to upload the binary.  A quick check on Twitter and I saw many other folks were having problems too.  A few hours later I finally manged to upload the new version.  So in about two weeks time it will be released.  I changed the app from free to $0.99 thinking that I was changing it for the new version only, but it appears there is only one place to have a price.  So the price changed early, which is fine as I should have been selling it already.  I decided to change Math Explosion Multiplication and Division to be for sale for $0.99 too.  The update for the Math Explosion Multiplication and Division should be complete early next week.

Have a Fantastic Friday.

Replacement drive is here

Friday, September 25th, 2009

First of all Iomega insisted that the issue was the power supply, which I knew was not the case.  Why would a drive that starts whining and then wont start again have a power supply issue?  As it was going to take a few days for the replacement power supply and then a few more for a replacement drive to arrive I went out and bought a new external hard drive.  I was wondering if going with Iomega again was foolish.  So often reviews are written when the box has just been opened and the customer is so excited with their purchase they rate the product 5 stars.  Anything else would indicate you made a bad purchasing decision.  But will they still be so excited 6 months from now.  In the end I decided to go with the same 1TB drive, but the only 1TB drive on the shelf had a damaged box which was quite obvious from mishandling.  The sales assistant interpreted the dents as being from the security device wrapped around the box.  I looked at the other pristine boxes with security devices and decided to pay $30 more for an extra 500GB.  1.5TB for only $140 with tax, quite unbelievable.  I still remember paying about $600 for a 20MB drive.  Back home I used the new power supply on the old drive and heard the familiar beep click noise.  Another quick online chat with Iomega and they shipped out the new drive which arrived before I started looking for tracking information.  I did pay $25 for the expedited shipping where they ship in advance.  I now I have two backup drives and need to figure out how I want to duplicate files across them.

Backup drive crashed

Monday, September 21st, 2009

My Iomega Prestige 1TB backup drive crashed today, well really a few days ago.  It apparently was hot and making a load whining noise and so was turned off.  Now I get beep, click, beep click…. when I turn it on.  Iomega support says that it is the power supply but I think that is a stall tactic.  I may go out and buy another drive today so that I have two backup drives.  But should I buy the same drive that failed?  It had a great reviews, but this drive just sits on top of a desktop computer and is not moved at all and has failed within 6 months.  Yes I have lost a handful of files, but not worth spending the $800 or more to recover them.

Updating Math Explosion

Friday, September 11th, 2009

The update of Math Explosion is going well.  I want to make it so that you can change the colors of the picker/spinner as well as the keypad.  I have the colors changing for the spinner and you can turn the grunge look off and on.  I have more work to do with the grunge effect.  I hope to be in a week and then will start charging for the Math Explosion series.

Featured in Network World

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009

I had a nice surprise to find out that the Math Explosion games was featured in Network World.  It gave the game a little lift in the iTunes store, pity I am not charging for it yet, which is my intention, now that Pill Puzzle has been released.  I want to do a few updates to allow users to change colors.

Here is a link to the article 15 smartphone apps you shouldn’t live without – Network World

We are on slide 14.

Finished Pill Puzzle Video

Monday, August 31st, 2009

I finally finished the demo video for the Pill Puzzle game.  Things did not go smoothly as I needed to show the action of the accelerometer.  No matter how I tried to video the iPhone I would always get reflections or some kind of shadow on the screen that made the game hard to see.  I tried filming outside and inside.  But no matter what I tried as the phone the was moved to roll the balls I would get a reflection.  In the end I used still photos and angled them to get the appearance of motion.  I then used iShowU to record Pill Puzzle in the iPhone Simulator.  The iPhone simulator however does not use the built in accelerometer that the MacBooks have.  Instead I used a simple app called AccelerometerSimulation by Otto Chrons.  It allows you to broadcast accelerometer info from your iPhone onto the network.  The Pill Puzzle game in the Simulator then uses this data to mimic the real phone.  It was a little more complicated but the images are clear.

iMovie was the next stumbling block.  It could not handle a handful of video clips that I had trimmed.  It kept on lagging and would freeze on a frame and then playback a few seconds later.  That was a major hassle especially when you are trying to be precise with your editing.  I hoped that an upgrade to the faster Snow Leopard would help but it did not.  Instead I had to install xcode again as the old iPhone Simulator had been removed.  The next step was having to recompile Pill Puzzle as the old version would not run in the simulator.  A handful of issues then cropped up that did not exist with the older 2.2.1 code.  After finally fixes the code issues I created the final video sequence and did the voice over.

Once again the lagging in the video was problematic.  I essentially had to time the script and read it knowing that what I was seeing on the screen was not syncing correctly.  A final publish from iMove and now it is on YouTube.

Pill Puzzle is live

Thursday, August 27th, 2009

The Pill Puzzle game is now live on the app store.  You can download it here.  The free lite version has also been approved but I have not been able to find it in the app store.  So go and give the game a try, I am sure that you will like it.  Reviews are also great they help to get applications noticed.

Sent Pill Puzzle to Apple for approval

Friday, August 14th, 2009

I finally sent the Pill Puzzle game to Apple for approval.  There is  a free Lite version, with just 5 games so that you can get the feel for the app and the full version with about 26 games.  Hopefully they will approve the apps within two weeks.  I now need to focus on getting the word out, and thinking of the next application.

New Beta Available

Monday, August 10th, 2009

There is a new beta available.  I have added new levels and fixed a few bugs to make the application more stable when it received “Memory Warning” messages.

The new Beta can be downloaded from here.

If you have donwloaded the provisioning profile you can do that from here.

Just unzip the files and drag and drop them onto iTunes.

As always if you have a problem please contact me.

Back in the saddle

Monday, August 3rd, 2009

More likely back in my comfy programmers chair.  I thought I would ease back into the work week by updating my blog.  Not much has been happening at fidgetware as I have been on vacation for the past four weeks and then had another trip scheduled soon after I got back.

I did manage to attend the iPhone devcamp in Denver on Friday and Saturday.  It was great to meet other iPhone developers and hear their experiences and what they had to offer.  I also learned some tit bits from experts in particular areas of development that I more than likely will use someday.

The Pill Puzzle game is nearly ready to be released.  I have a few last minute fixes and then time to see if iPhone owners like what I have done.