Replacement drive is here

First of all Iomega insisted that the issue was the power supply, which I knew was not the case.  Why would a drive that starts whining and then wont start again have a power supply issue?  As it was going to take a few days for the replacement power supply and then a few more for a replacement drive to arrive I went out and bought a new external hard drive.  I was wondering if going with Iomega again was foolish.  So often reviews are written when the box has just been opened and the customer is so excited with their purchase they rate the product 5 stars.  Anything else would indicate you made a bad purchasing decision.  But will they still be so excited 6 months from now.  In the end I decided to go with the same 1TB drive, but the only 1TB drive on the shelf had a damaged box which was quite obvious from mishandling.  The sales assistant interpreted the dents as being from the security device wrapped around the box.  I looked at the other pristine boxes with security devices and decided to pay $30 more for an extra 500GB.  1.5TB for only $140 with tax, quite unbelievable.  I still remember paying about $600 for a 20MB drive.  Back home I used the new power supply on the old drive and heard the familiar beep click noise.  Another quick online chat with Iomega and they shipped out the new drive which arrived before I started looking for tracking information.  I did pay $25 for the expedited shipping where they ship in advance.  I now I have two backup drives and need to figure out how I want to duplicate files across them.

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