
I attended the iPhoneDevCamp in Boulder over the weekend.  It was an awesome event with about 30 people attending.  The iPhoneDevCamp is an un-conference.   That means that there is no schedule and that the attendees decide what they want to talk about.  Friday evening was a get to know you and find out what folks wanted to discuss on Saturday.  There were a variety of topics from how to use Xcode, to Core Data to how to sign code for a client.  Attending any session is optional and the idea is to participate.

Kendall Gelner is quite the expert on Xcode, but unfortunately he was out sick so I lead the Xcode session as I have attended his xcode debugging sessions 3 times, so by now I remember some not all of his tips.

We also has sessions on Interface Builder and Core Data.   It was good to get another primer on Core Data as I am about to start using it for my Super Secret Project.  I had two highlights.  First was seeing a DFVideoOut demo, which can be used to demo your iPhone using the video out. No need to crowd around the iPhone or point a video camera at the phone.  My second highlight was seeing Bob Kressin tell us a bit about the hardware certification process and how his company is developing prototypes.  All in all a great day.  I missed out on Sunday, which was a code jam.  Two teams were given a few words that they had to use as the title for their application.  Both teams managed to produce something to show in one and a half hours.

Thanks to the sponsors Metafy LLC, Xcellent Creations, Inc., and especially Joe Pezillo for putting it on.

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