Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Phone Call from Apple

Monday, November 2nd, 2009

I was briefly excited when the phone rang and it said Apple Inc on the Caller ID.  Maybe they were going feature one of my applications?  What was the call for?  Before I could let my mind wander much further I answered the call and a very nice Apple employee told me that I had to remove the Cover Flow look alike images from my screen shots.  At first I thought I had to remove it from Pill Puzzle, which would not have been nice at all.  But it was just one of the images that I used to promote the application on iTunes.  The change has been done.  I should have asked for a phone number so that I could have my Apple insider.

Pill Puzzle Updated

Monday, October 26th, 2009

The new version of Pill Puzzle has been released.  there are two new levels.  I see that what I write in the “What is new section” is what users see.  I thought this was what the Apple reviewers saw and so I did not hype up the two new fantastic levels that are just fabulous.  Well this a learning experience.  I just received an email though telling me that the review of “Pill Puzzle” has been delayed.  I hope they mean the Lite version as the updated Pill Puzzle seems be available.

New Icons for Math Explosion Series

Thursday, October 22nd, 2009

I decided to update the icons for the Math Explosion games as I felt the old ones did not convey what the applications did.  They looked a bit static and more like an application that taught time.  So I added an equation to each icon to make the purpose very obvious, these are math applications.  But in order to jazz it up a bit I made the clock faces blurry to give it a sense of urgency.  I kept the grunge look for the Multiplication and Division game and kept the clean look for the Addition and Subtraction game.  Hopeful this will get peoples attention and more downloads.

Math Explosion Multiplication and Division has been updated

Monday, October 19th, 2009

This update took a bit longer 9 days only, not too bad.  The email arrived on Friday evening.  I have been so busy I thought that it was shorter until I counted the number of days.  There are so many apps that have been released that I think it was pushed down on the new releases list.  I changed the release date to today so hope it will be noticed for a while.

Wiring headaches

Monday, October 12th, 2009

I do not have do cabling very often, but know how it supposed to be done.  I mean what is so hard about putting on an RJ45 plug and connecting a new WiFi router.  I can never remember the order of the wires but a quick search on Wikipedia and I was away.  I have a nice crimping tool I bought from my previous employer when they went out of business, so I was all set.  I figured that adding this extension to my kids school network would be a piece of cake.  I unfortunately hit a snag as soon I arrived.  I could easily get onto the WiFi, but could not get onto the wired network.  I was using my Macbook and am not all that familiar with the networking on it but at home it has always been simply plug and play.  I knew it would be no use putting on the plugs if I could not even connect on an existing working cable.  I figured that I could log onto a PC and see the network setting and configure the laptop to connect.  But alas… I did not have any of the passwords for the PC’s and could not get hold of anyone to get the passwords.  I figured that I may as well put the on the RJ45 plugs and test the cable my test tool and verify that the cable test matched a working cable.  After crawling around in and out of the basement putting on plugs cutting off plugs I finally gave up feeling quite frustrated.  The following day with passwords in hand and two laptop, my faithful HP tablet running Ubuntu Linux and my Macbook.  It turned out that my Linux laptop simply worked once connected to the existing Ethernet.  A quick check of the main router and I saw no weird settings to prevent me adding to the network.  That was a good sign as I would be able to test the new cable.  Excitement soon led to dissapointment.  The cable would not work.  Replace the plug on one end of the cable, still no workee, replace the plug on the other end, grr still not working.  In and out of the basement, now I am wondering if the cable is too long and I start pacing it out but cannot trace where it has been run too when it disappears through a hole.  I finally called a friend who has a tool to specifically test Ethernet cables.  20 minutes later with new tool in hand I test the cable and yes it is failing on some pins.  There are no crossed over wires, which is a good sign.  I cut off the plug insert the wires and then decide to pull the cable out before crimping.  Sure enough there was one wire that was  all scrunched up that had not gone into the plug correctly.  I trimmed the ends of the wires and tried again.  This time they all went in nice and smoothly.  A quick race down to the basement to replace the plug on the other end and yet another test.  Yahoo!! the cable tester verified the cable was good.  I plugged it into the laptop and was online surfing the web.  If only I had been more careful about checking the wires had gone in all the way.  Next time I have to do cabling I will have to remember that little trick to ensure the wires are in snug.  Today I connected the Linksys WiFi router and made sure that it worked in the class rooms.  It didn’t take too long to do.  I setup a new subnet and simply left the router acting as a gateway.  I will probably change it to be a router if there is a need to send and receive files between computers on the two LANs.  But it is all working and confirmed to be working using a Mac, Windows XP and Linux.  I wish the hardware part of this project had gone as smoothly as the software.

iPhone and email woes

Friday, October 9th, 2009

I noticed more than a month ago that the email application on my iPhone was not working correctly.  It seemed to be a setup issue as I had changed my passwords and did not want to deal with it at the time.  I have multiple email accounts and out of habit use gmail via the Safari browser on my iPhone.  I have always used gmail via the browser as downloading just 50 emails at a time was too limiting.  I used get 1000’s of emails and I am not counting spam.  So the need to sort and search were extremely important.  I was a little concerned that with the built in email not working that I was going to have a problem sending email via an application.  I had some spare time tonight and thought that a password update would fix it all.  But to no avail.  Both emails are accessed via Google, one is a gmail account and the other is a personal domain that has the email hosted by Google.  They both use but only the personal domain was working.  It had to be a configuration issue as was working for the one account.  I checked and double checked, retyped in the passwords and then triple checked and still no luck.  I even went to far as to delete the accounts and restart the iPhone.  Even with just the one account I could not get it work.  The configurations on both the iPhone and on the Google end were identical.  Eventually I found a post that said I need to go to from my iPhone as my account had been “locked”  Sure enough I entered my best guess for the squiggly Captcha and everything is working.  Sure would have been nice to know that 2 hours ago.

Math Explosion Multiplication and Division submitted

Wednesday, October 7th, 2009

Last night I submitted the updated Math Explosion Multiplication and Division to Apple for approval.  Hopefully this update will be reviewed quickly too.  I did find a last minute memory leak that Clang did not find.  Not sure why it did not find it as it was pretty obvious.  Fortunately it was a small leak as Math Explosion Addition and Subtraction has this problem.  I will have to send a new update to Apple to fix that.

Math Explosion Update in the Store

Tuesday, October 6th, 2009

The update for Math Explosion Addition and Subtraction has been released to the App store.  You can now change the colors of the Spinner and the keypad.  In addition you can turn the grunge look off and on.  I hope the kids don’t spend all their time changing the colors instead of learning.  Math Explosion Multiplication and Division has been updated and I am busy testing it before submitting it to the App Store.  This update was very quick it went to the App Store on Oct 1st, just 6 days.  Thanks Apple.

More 360idev

Saturday, October 3rd, 2009

The 360iDev conference was really great.  I met so many talented individuals who were so willing to give of their time.  The sessions were really good and many a time I had a hard time choosing between two sessions that were on at the same time.  For the most part I did the business track as I have many years of development experience and wanted to improve on my marketing skills.  Along with ways on how to market and track your your apps it was also great to hear about the trends in iPhone development.  The sessions on using Cocos2D and Open Feint were great.  You can get a simple app up and running without too much development time and have some excellent functionality.  Just to prove it, some of the games developed during the gamejam were built on these two technologies.  Despite all the focus on games the trend is towards more serious business apps.   Can the iPhone be the one platform for all users.  I doubt it.  The iPhone is not a serious business phone.  It takes me way longer to find contacts on my iPhone compared to Palm Treo.

Time to get back to work to implement all the great ideas I now have.

360idev in Denver

Monday, September 28th, 2009

I have been attending the 360idev conference in Denver for the past two days and it has been totally awesome.  Sunday started off with some great advanced debugging tips from Kendall Helmstetter Gelner.  I was glad to have updated to Snow Leopard as many of the new debugging tools are already built in.  I had used some of the tools before but Kendal showed us some great tips.  So often when you work by yourself you discover things about a tool and you continue to use it in same manner from then on.  But watching other folks work you often get those “Hey what did you do there” moments.  I can’t wait to get back to coding to see what these tools have to say about the code I written already.

Today’s sessions were great too.  It was a bit depressing hearing more than once that the only way to succeed is to get a contact inside Apple who will act as your advocate.  That is just not realistic for the ordinary independent developer as only a handful of apps will get Apples attention.  I do feel that you should aim to create really great apps, but don’t count on getting the Apple nod to be successful.

Dan Grigsby from Mobile Orchard gave a refreshing talk on Being Warm, Clothed and Fed.  He focused on the 99% of the iPhone developers that will not break into the top 25 apps.  His thought is that yes the iPhone platform can sustain life for mere mortals and that things were looking good despite the huge increase in the number of Apps as well as developers attracted to this platform.  There was also a good discussion on marketing for applications, where to market and how much effort should be spent on marketing.

I am looking forward to tomorrows sessions.